Erik H
Member since 2017/07/16


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Favorites of Erik H

Title Genre Read Rating Themes
Family vacation_(1) Fiction 705258 times. 96.3 % Incest
Checking out Dad's Presents after Christmas Fantasy 399060 times. 96.3 % Blowjob, Exhibitionism, First Time, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Young
Cousins_(1) Fantasy 332331 times. 96.3 % Incest, Male/Female, Teen Male/Teen Female
PHOTO SESSION Fiction 213615 times. 95.1 % Female/Female, Incest, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Female
Two Sisters, One Bed Fiction 346383 times. 94.9 % First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Teen, Teen Female/Teen Female, Voyeurism, Written by women, Young
I found my sister stripping. Fiction 1723233 times. 94.8 % Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Drug, Female exhibitionist, Female/Female, First Time, Incest, Lesbian, Oral Sex, Virginity
Foster care - my new home Fiction 448716 times. 89.2 % Bi-sexual, Coercion, Cruelty, Erotica, Female / Girl, First Time, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance, Teen, Threesome, Torture, Virginity, Young
Raising Little Tabby Jack Part Three Fiction 84798 times. 87.8 % Anal, Blowjob, Death, Murder, Older Male / Female, Rape, Snuff, Teen, Torture, Young
Bk 2, Ch 1: Interlude Fantasm 26973 times. 87.7 % Death, Slavery, Snuff, Teen, Violence, Young
The Punishment of the Babysitter Fiction 273825 times. 83.7 % Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Erotica, Female / Girl, Female Domination, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Reluctance, Spanking, Virginity, Written by women